Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Friday, November 25, 2016

How to get Unlimited Subscribers on YouTube Fast 2016!

How to get unlimited subscribers on YouTube is a question you maybe asking yourself, as a new or novice You tuber. Well, this video explains a fast way to get YouTube subscribers in 2016. When this video was uploaded by Rebel State Sovereign on July 17, 2016, he predicted that the video would help other new you tubers and that is subscriber count would reflect that, well, it's true. Rebels statement has help tons of people just in 2016, imagine what this video will do for your YouTube channel subscriber number when this video gets some age on it and truly ranks in the first 3 slots, currently it is ranking 5th as of today 11/25/2016. Rebels genius has led to the making of several video's to help his subscribers (YouTube friends as he calls them). I highly recommend this video along with his play list on YouTube video's that can boost your channel's ranking, and your YouTube channel stats in every way. Feel free to use the links I have provided for you to decide for yourself, I realize that these are older video's made by Rebel, and that his quality is not 100% as he has mentioned in other video's that he intended the video's to be that way, because as he puts it "If I can do it, you can too" attitude. I will leave a few more links for you to check out of his, as the newer video's that he produces will probably expand on how to get unlimited subscribers and YouTube friends, along with several other helpful tips, tricks, and hacks. 

"How to get subscribers on YouTube fast that actually works (2016). If you are tired of working hard to improve your channel and never experiencing the subscriber growth you desire? Watch this video on How To Grow Your YouTube Channel! I must thank Casey Neistat for inspiring me with his 3 million subscriber shout out video, and Roman Atwood who inspired Casey with 3 little words, "JUST KEEP UPLOADING"."

Currently Casey Neistat has over 5 million subscribers, but has changed his daily Vlog's that everyone has come to love so much, time will only tell where this takes Casey's YouTube channel. Roman Atwood currently has over 10,000,000 million subscribers. The real genius of Rebel is to reverse engineer social media, use his own lovable self to make, rank, promote, influence, market and help other You tuber's. Rebels link to his video above shows his willingness to promote other You tuber's, his subscribers, and his unique shout-out series of video's are truly different then others of the past. Feel free to check out his links I have provided, and please stay tuned as I will continue to blog on his success and the potential success of his subscribers as he continues to make video's on the majority to help his fellow you tuber's. 

While writing this article I was able to gain some inside information on the World's Best You tuber, not just the website, but also the team behind the idea! I know for a fact that Rebel State Sovereign is a member of this brilliant idea, and that the team is working currently to have this project up and running. I was told that the website is currently not up to par, with the ideas, and plans that are being constructed. Tell us what you think of the website, so that we can blog about it's progress at it happens. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Idiot's how to guides to Men's health

     Since every man is different the only way to truly know what you need as far as good health is concerned is to have blood work done along with a urine sample and stool sample. Drinking clean water is very important, not  the assumed tap water from your facet. Because the water from your facet is not always as safe as you think it is, if you don't believe me go to your local water department and feel free to research the parts per million of things in the water you are drinking, cooking with and bathing with, and possibly swimming in. This is public knowledge. Have you ever watched the movie with Julia Roberts , where she played the role of Erin Brockovich-Ellis. The things added to the water you drink by the  municipal water system treatment plant is not that healthy for you in general. Recent studies done in the North have found that even after water had been treated that small trace amounts of prescription drugs have been found. So filter or buy water that is filtered and clean for consuming. This will ensure that you are giving your body what is best for it. Also try and avoid foods that are processed with chemicals and other harmful unnatural things. Basic rule if you can not pronounce it try and no eat or drink it. Usually the best foods come in their own rappers from nature. Organic foods may cost a little more but are generally always better for you. So try and eat them when you can. Do research on all things that you put in your body, so you will have a educated idea of what you are putting in your body. If you have access to the internet Google is a great place to do some of that research i spoke of ealier. I recomend reading or buying any of Kevin Trudeau's books on the subjects, maybe when i have the time to link his name and books , i will do so. Colon cleansing by means of a pill to remove harmful toxins from your body is another good idea. Speak with your doctor before trying any of these ideas for his expert advice. Another good book to read is " Eat to beat cancer" . Exercise if your able. Allow yourself a normal sleeping pattern and try and get a little sunlight everyday for it has so many benefits. Avoid toxins and chemicals in your life , if you can, no matter if your cleaning with those products or exposed to them, try and replace them with all natural or organic cleaners when possible. Avoid fast foods when you can, but hey you probably have already heard that before. Vitamins are somewhat good for you they are usually synthetic and are designed to make up for the lack of vitamins your not getting from the not so great foods you maybe eating. Wearing and using natural fibers against your skin will also benefit you. Synthetic are man made and maybe chemically made, like wise natural fibers that suggest wrinkle fee should be avoided to for the same reasons. Cotton and wool are generally a lot better for you than some man made fiber. Hope these ideas help . This is free advice and should be used for educational purposes. Enjoy.